As families grow and time passes, the importance of documenting memories becomes more apparent. Family photos help to preserve your legacy—offering future generations a glimpse into who you were during that moment of time.
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Chilliwack Extended Family Photographer| The Brandsma Family | Chilliwack, BC
IT’S EVERYTHING. - Michael J. Fox
Truer words could not be spoken, thanks Michael. Really though, when was the last time you had photos done with your parents? With your siblings? With your kids cousins? I wish I had this but with my entire family outside of my parents all living overseas it makes it next to impossible, you know cause of Covid-19 and all. So thankful I saw my big brother in January before this all hit.
This extended family is also an International family coming all the way from South Africa to visit and I am am so glad that they were able to coordinate lives and schedules to spend some time with me capturing their love for each other. Grandpa and Grandma and Pepper too, are going to be thrilled to hang these photos up around their home. The Vedder River in Chilliwack is one of my most favourite areas to do family sessions, especially extended family photos- the mountains, the raging river, the greenery, its all just so beautiful!
Want to book your own family session? Let’s Chat!

Chilliwack Extended Family Photographer| The {B} Family | Pitt Meadows, BC
Family is the one constant element in life - Unknown
Extended family sessions are quickly becoming one of my favourite sessions to photograph! They are loud, chaotic, and filled with life- just the way I love it. I use to be terrified of extended family sessions but after four years of photographing family photos at weddings and dealing with everything from Grandpa telling me he thinks he’s at the wrong wedding half way through photos (true story- ask me about it), to missing brothers and screaming toddlers, to where did Uncle Simon go- nothing seems to phase me anymore!
When the {B} Family approached me about doing their extended family photos I was ecstatic, they forwarned me of the rambunctious boys who may not listen, to their dad who they were doing the photos for, but may be wary and of not being able to share all the photos due to one member not being comfortable with an online presence- which to me is a no brainer. I am not the photographer that will post photos without a model release, nor will I ever charge you extra for a non disclosure agreement. Photographs are there to understand what our lives mean to us, they are for you, not for me. If you aren’t comfortable with a full model release- fine, if you want to pre approve photos and select the ones for me to post online- that is fine too. My career as a social worker has taught me that confidentiality is everything, so please know your photos will always be safe with me.
After a few emails back and forth, and ensuring we had all 3 family units schedules coordinated with mine we headed out to Pitt Lake, BC for an amazing evening spent admiring the mountains, chasing grasshoppers, tons of giggles, snuggles and an epic sword fight, it truly was an amazing evening. Thanks for choosing me to capture your amazing crew {B} Family!
Chilliwack Family Photographer | Unruh Family | Backyard Portrait Session
Chilliwack Family Photographer
The Unruh’s
I photographed this amazing family in their home in early November in Chilliwack, BC.
Stacy and Mike have trusted me to capture their family for the past few years now and I absolutely adore spending time with them and their girls. During their recent Day in the Life Session we took 20 minutes to update their family pictures for Stacy’s galley wall in her dining room. I adore that we didn’t leave the comforts of their home and all these pictures were captured in their own backyard. Family pictures don’t have to be uncomfortable or stressful, they just have to be you.
Wanting to book a no stress family photo session? Let’s Chat!
Langley Family Photographer | Day in the Life Family Film + Photos | The Funk Family
Day in the Life Family Documentary Session
Langley Family Photographer
I photographed Kelsey and Chris' afternoon with their three rambunctious boys in their home in Langley, BC. I met up with them for after school pick up of their two oldest boys and I followed them home on their typical route to document through photos and film what this time in their life looks like. We hung out at home and the boys played and showed off their amazing lego creations to me. Kelsey spent some time sewing and I was so excited to be able to include her love for sewing as part of their session. Kelsey is an extremely creative and talented sewer and you can see her amzing creations throughout their family film.
This family absolutely stole my heart, especially the youngest lil' munchkin cause whose favourite thing isn't eating candy and watching TV as he explains in their family film. Later on in the afternoon after the boys had played and done their homework we took a stroll back to the school to burn off that evening energy that boys always seem to have an abundance of as it nears bedtime. As the boys energy winded down we settled back home for some games and pizza, a perfect ending to their Day in the Life Family Film session.
Want to book a Day in the Life Documentary Session? Let's chat! Contact me here.

If you would like to preserve this time in your family's life with a Day in the Life- This is Us Photo + Video Photography session , please contact me for more information. I would love to document your family's story. Let’s chat.
Chilliwack Prom Photographer| Cultus Lake, BC | Oakley & Charlie
My baby boy and his girl. Graduated! I can hardly believe it. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was walking you into your first day of kindergarten and here you are now, all grown up and ready to take on the world. My mama heart is so full of love and I am so proud of you both. Watching your relationship and more importantly your friendship develop and grow has been an honour.
On the eve of their graduation we drove out to my childhood stomping grounds and waited out the rain storm that came out of nowhere, as a result we were thanked with epic and moody skies! It totally suited the emotions of this time in their lives....
I am so excited to see what the future holds for you both.

“Behind you, all your memories
Before you, all your dreams
Around you, all who love you
Within you, all you need.”
Chilliwack Prom Photographer | Pacific Northwest Prom Couple | Chris & Alexa
Chilliwack Prom and Graduation Photographer
Capturing the moments that matter in Chilliwack, BC.
Chris' mom and I grew up together in Chilliwack, BC, in fact we attended kindergarten together! We were silly little kids and rowdy teenagers together. We've grown apart and close together numerous times over the last 35 years but no matter what she is the one friend that I know I can always count on. I have watched her and her husband raise Chris to be the upstanding young man that he is; an outstanding athlete, a hard worker, and a good role model. He is just an all around awesome young man to be around. To say I was totally honoured when she asked me to do his formal portraits with his girlfriend Alexa on his prom day is an understatement!. Chris and Alexa were total and complete rock stars during their session and didn't complain once despite the heat, the sun and the mosquitoes! I had so much fun with you both and am so proud of all your accomplishments Chris. So excited to see where you go from here.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have always imagined.”

Chilliwack Family Photographer| 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Well once again the sun came out in full force for the Garrison Crossing Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Ever since our favourite local Easter Egg hunt at the duck pond was replaced with a egg drop in a large field I have longed for a good ol' fashioned Easter Egg Hunt. Three years ago a friend of mine pulled it together and we have made it a yearly tradition ever since! Here are a few of my favourite photographs from this years Easter Egg Hunt...