Chilliwack Prom and Graduation Photographer
Capturing the moments that matter in Chilliwack, BC.
Chris' mom and I grew up together in Chilliwack, BC, in fact we attended kindergarten together! We were silly little kids and rowdy teenagers together. We've grown apart and close together numerous times over the last 35 years but no matter what she is the one friend that I know I can always count on. I have watched her and her husband raise Chris to be the upstanding young man that he is; an outstanding athlete, a hard worker, and a good role model. He is just an all around awesome young man to be around. To say I was totally honoured when she asked me to do his formal portraits with his girlfriend Alexa on his prom day is an understatement!. Chris and Alexa were total and complete rock stars during their session and didn't complain once despite the heat, the sun and the mosquitoes! I had so much fun with you both and am so proud of all your accomplishments Chris. So excited to see where you go from here.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have always imagined.”