IT’S EVERYTHING. - Michael J. Fox
Truer words could not be spoken, thanks Michael. Really though, when was the last time you had photos done with your parents? With your siblings? With your kids cousins? I wish I had this but with my entire family outside of my parents all living overseas it makes it next to impossible, you know cause of Covid-19 and all. So thankful I saw my big brother in January before this all hit.
This extended family is also an International family coming all the way from South Africa to visit and I am am so glad that they were able to coordinate lives and schedules to spend some time with me capturing their love for each other. Grandpa and Grandma and Pepper too, are going to be thrilled to hang these photos up around their home. The Vedder River in Chilliwack is one of my most favourite areas to do family sessions, especially extended family photos- the mountains, the raging river, the greenery, its all just so beautiful!
Want to book your own family session? Let’s Chat!