Family Films

Langley Family Photographer | Day in the Life Family Film + Photos | The Funk Family

Day in the Life Family Documentary Session

Langley Family Photographer

I photographed Kelsey and Chris' afternoon with their three rambunctious boys in their home in Langley, BC.  I met up with them for after school pick up of their two oldest boys and I followed them home on their typical route to document through photos and film what this time in their life looks like.   We hung out at home and the boys played and showed off their amazing lego creations to me.   Kelsey spent some time sewing and I was so excited to be able to include her love for sewing as part of their session.  Kelsey is an extremely creative and talented sewer and you can see her amzing creations throughout their family film.   

This family absolutely stole my heart, especially the youngest lil' munchkin cause whose favourite thing isn't eating candy and watching TV as he explains in their family film.   Later on in the afternoon after the boys had played and done their homework we took a stroll back to the school to burn off that evening energy that boys always seem to have an abundance of as it nears bedtime.    As the boys energy winded down we settled back home for some games and pizza, a perfect ending to their Day in the Life Family Film session.

Want to book a Day in the Life Documentary Session?   Let's chat!  Contact me here.


If you would like to preserve this time in your family's life with a Day in the Life- This is Us Photo + Video Photography session , please contact me for more information. I would love to document your family's story. Let’s chat.

xo claudia small.png

Chilliwack Family Photographer| Cultus Lake Camping with Friends| Sunnyside Campground

Our first camping trip of the season was met with unexpectedly warm weather and some more typical rain showers. This was our first time ever camping in a trailer and I may just be hooked.  

I cannot wait for summer to come this year.  With our abnormally cold winter it cannot come soon enough.  Feel free to invite me to join you on your camping trips this summer so I can capture your family making memories.   


Chilliwack Family Photographer | A Birthday Trip| Disneyland, CA

Disneyland… what can I say.  It has always been Adison’s dream and I finally made it happen for her as a surprise for her 9th birthday.  That being said I can’t remember a time in my life where I have ever felt so overwhelmed and unprepared for all that our Disney trip presented itself with.  We started off with a 5 hour flight delay as there was a bomb scare at the Bellingham airport; which had us arriving in Disneyland at midnight, instead of at dinner time.  Adison took it all in stride and her only concern was that we would indeed make it to Disneyland.  

Here is our day one film and a few pictures from our day one in Disneyland.

First day at Disneyland

Our first day at Disneyland had me beyond frustrated with the crowds and the 100 minute ride and character lines.  I had never dreamed it would be that busy and was totally unprepared for the chaos that Disneyland is.  Adison on the other hand was able to ensure I kept it all in perspective.  She loved the rides, fully and completely, the joy just exuded out of her. Who knew she would be a roller coaster kid?! All in all it was a great day and we left feeling optimistic that we would be better prepared for day two. 

disneyland family photograph
meeting winnie the pooh for the first time at disneyland
walking back to the hotel