day in the life photography

Chilliwack Family Photographer| Day In the Life Family Documentary Session | This is Us | The Unruh's

Chilliwack Family Photographer- This Is Us- Family Documentary Photographer- I photographed this amazing family in their home in early November in Chilliwack, BC. I love shooting in home documentary photography family sessions as it allows me to capture families as they are. I get to follow you around with my camera and capture the laughter, the tears, the in between moments, the goof ball moments and the utter chaos that surrounds our lives as we go about our everyday lives.s So what do we do in these type of documentary family sessions? Anything you want!

Can I just say how much I love repeat clients?! Especially the ones that love capturing their lives through a documentary perspective. Gah it gives me all the feels. I have photographed this amazing family a handful of times now, first their oldest daughter’s wedding, then back to school portraits for their youngest two daughters, and now the most amazing in home documentary session as they prepare for a new phase in their lives. This family was planning a move from their family home this Fall to purchase a home in a neighbourhood closer to their children’s school. As a result they knew they needed to have their lives documented in their home prior to moving. Stacy spoke of her love of watching the girls playing outside from her kitchen window and how Mike was usually out there with them and her desire to have all of this captured. We all have that one place in our homes that is special and dear to us. For Stacy it was her families outdoor space looking out onto the protected green belt- they even have their very own COYOTE den in the back field- EEK! Alas, those Coyotes didn’t come out to play while i was there- I guess they are camera shy!

I absolutely adore this family and their love for each other, the girls are funny, witty, smart and love with their whole hearts, and had me in stitches most of the time with their goofiness. These girls are FUN! They have great imaginations, are super sporty and love performing- they routinely put on dance shows and plays for their parents in the living room as part of their nightly routine. Both Stacy and I recall doing this exact same thing when we were kids for our parents. I guess there is something about needing an audience to show off your talents!

Wanting to get your own memories and traditions captured in a family session?  Let's chat! 

Contact me here.

xo claudia small.png