Find Martin

The Hunt for Martin...

Last September I was the lucky photographer to spend an afternoon photographing Martin at Video Tonight in Chilliwack, BC as part of The Bookman’s Cat Charity Calendar that they do every year to fund Ena's Community Cats, a non profit organization devoted to the welfare and health of underprivileged cats and dogs in the Community of Chilliwack.

Martin and I had an instant bond especially after I snuck him some whip cream from the coffee bar, Starlight Café.    This past weekend I saw that Video Tonight had closed down and I immediately contacted my dear friend Amber, owner of The Bookman to see if she knew what had happened to my dear cat friend Martin.  After numerous messages back and forth with nothing turning up any leads we took to Facebook and our calls to Where do I find… Martin… were heard by local journalist Jess Peters at The Progress- .  

Please help us find Martin as Amber would love to have him come and live at The Bookman with fellow cat calendar model Nietzsche if he is in need of a home.  Leads are trickling in with one being that possibly a customer may have adopted him and another that he was relinquished to the local SPCA.    We all just want to know that Martin is in a good place so if you know anything about Martin and where he may have ended up please contact Amber at the Bookman at 604-792-4595.

UPDATE:  Apparently Martin was adopted by a customer but was then relinquished to the SPCA in Chilliwack who then shipped him out to the Surrey SPCA... and this is where the trail runs cold...