I have known Kiera her entire life, in fact her mom and I met in Kindergarten and have been friends our entire lives! I have watched Kiera grow over the years and her perceptiveness and insight into the world always makes me smile as she is the perfect combo of both her parents with a good dose of her self as well. Kiera has dreams of becoming a surgeon and she has a drive that I don’t see very often in our younger generations. She knows what she wants and she has a plan to get there. She is the only kid I have ever met that has had their entire education future planned out and broken down into sizable chunks by the age of 14. I have no doubt with her hilarious personality, spunk and academic drive- this girl is going places.

School pictures have come and gone and retakes are happening now at most schools… if you aren’t happy with them lets get together and capture your children’s true personality in their school portraits. Back to School Mini Sessions- are simple-