Fraser Valley graduates
it’s prom season!
So many inquiries lately asking about Prom sessions so I figured I would answer some of your most asked questions in a quick blog post. If you are wanting to book now is the time!
When is the best time to book my Prom/Graduation Session?
As soon as you know you want Prom photos you should book! My May/June schedule fills up very quickly and I typically only book one graduate per prom date due to timing and logistics, unless of course you are booking as a group then I can of course accommodate more graduates at one time. Another option is to book your Prom session on a separate date from your actual prom date, this allows for us to spend more time together and pick a date that works for you and your families schedule.
Who can I bring to my prom session?
Your prom session is for you and your plus one, whether that be your date or your bestie, and of course your immediate family members, such as your parents/caregivers/guardian, siblings and grandparents. I will spend the first part of your session capturing you with your family and those that love you, and the remainder of your session will be used capturing you and your plus one.
When do i get to see my photos?
I know how important it is to have your Prom/Graduation Photos as soon as possible to be able to share with your friends and family so I always post a few photos within a few hours of our session, sometimes it is later that evening, but always withing 24 hours of your session. The remainder of your photos will be ready for you within one week of your Prom/ Graduation session.
What time of day is best for photos?
Golden Hour, an hour before sunset, is typically the best time of day for photos. That being said, as long as we have a bit of shade to work with, we can do photos any time of the day, and there is something to be said about that mid day sunshine and the beauty it brings out!